Aprolis business continuity plan during the 2024 Summer Sports Competitions

Due to the 2024 Summer Sports Competitions, dedicated lanes and restricted access areas will be in place. These measures, combined with increased traffic density, will have a significant impact on the movement of goods and the performance of our commercial and contractual relationships.

Our teams' commitment

Our teams remain fully mobilised to provide a quality service despite these exceptional constraints. We will work closely with your teams to overcome these challenges.

Impact on delivery times

During this period, delivery times will be extended due to traffic restrictions and exceptional traffic density. Some delivery sites could become inaccessible if they are located in restricted areas. In addition, the roads will be under heavy pressure, leading to significant congestion.

Business continuity plan

We have already put in place a business continuity plan to deal with these challenges. Close communication with your teams will be essential to adjust this plan to your specific needs and your geographical and sectoral constraints, while complying with the measures imposed by the authorities.

Responsibility and support

We would like to stress that, despite our best efforts to support you, Aprolis cannot be held responsible for any delay or failure in the performance of its contractual obligations if these are directly or indirectly caused by the major event that is the 2024 Summer Sports Competition.

Recommended actions

We encourage you to contact the Aprolis sales and after-sales teams as soon as possible in order to tailor the business continuity plan to your specific needs.